Why Saguaro Springs?

The mystical Saguaro Cactus, native to the Sonoran Desert and held sacred by the indigenous Tohono O'odham tribe who inhabit the region, has many lessons to impart that are relevant to the therapeutic frame. Growth requires patience (some Saguaro’s take up to 90 years to grow their first arm), and can also be punctuated by sudden bursts of color and flourishing (a single Saguaro’s bloom lasts only 24 hours), therapy can mirror this natural developmental process. While I typically expect for folks to observe noticeable changes soon after beginning therapy (90 years is a long time to wait!), like anything worth working towards in life, changes of a certain magnitude take time, while others, like the Sagauro’s bloom, can happen overnight.

The ‘Springs’ part of the practice namesake derives from another natural phenomenon. Springs can serve as an oasis or opportunity for psychological and literal reflection. Springs (both Hot and Cold) can refresh the soul and provide vital replenishment. Water can also generate tremendous pressure and stress when it can’t flow freely. We’ll work to find what may be creating dams in your own life and help you find a place of harmony where you are working with your natural resources, not against them.